Interview Questions and Answer
a. An object whose value cannot be changed once it is set.
b. type An object whose value can be changed once it is set.
c. Both
Reveal Answer
a. Invalid cast Exception
b. Argument Null Exception
c. Application Exception
d. System Exception
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a. Boxing
b. UnBoxing
c. Implicit Casting
d. Explicit Casting
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a. Reference Type
b. Value Type
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a. ++, --
b. ? :, <<, >>
c. ==, sizeof
d. All the above
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a. set condition (true)
b. set condition (false)
c. Both
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a. Every optional argument in the procedure definition must specify a default value.
b. The default value for an optional argument must be a constant expression.
c. Every argument following an optional argument in the procedure definition must also be optional.
d. All the above
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a. ch= (char) n n= (int) ch
b. Ch = n n = ch
c. char ch, int n ch = (int) n n = (char) ch
d. A, C
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a. MethodCall(val1: 10, val2: 20)
b. MethodCall(val1 10, val2 20)
c. MethodCall(val1->10, val2->20)
d. None of the above
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a. return the number of elements in first dimension.
b. return the number of elements in second dimension.
c. returns the number of characters in the first element of the array.
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a. When you try to store a value of different data type that an array can store.
b. To store a value of sametype.
c. When we try to access an element of an array with an invalid index.
d. A and C
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a. Using Length(0)
b. Using Length(1)
c. Using GetLength (1)
d. Using GetLength (0)
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a. Using Array. Copy() method
b. Using Array .Clone() method
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a. IndexOutOfRangeException
b. NullException
c. InvalidException
d. ApplicationException
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a. When variable on RHS cannot be assigned to variable on LHS.
b. When variable on RHS can be assigned to variable on LHS.
c. When variable on LHS cannot be assigned to variable on RHS.
d. None
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a. int
b. char
c. string
d. All the above
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a. More reliability
b. More readability
c. Less readability
d. None
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a. Reference
b. Value
c. Depends
d. Can't say
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a. Sytem.Text.StringBuilder
b. Sytem.Test.StringBuilder
c. Sytem.Text.String.Builder
d. Sytem.Text.StringModifier.
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a. Immutable
b. Mutable
c. Modifiable
d. None of the above
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a. Runtime exception
b. Not a runtime exception
c. Compilation error
d. None
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a. s = (string) n;
b. s = n.ToString ( );
c. s = string (n);
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. int [ ] ar=new int [10];
b. int [10] ar=new int [ ];
c. int [ ] ar=new int [ ];
d. All of the above
Reveal Answer
a. throws an exception as the value of a is 100 instead of 1
b. Prints: The value of b: False
c. Prints: The value of b: True
d. Prints: The value of b: Null
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a. System.Nullable
b. System.Object
c. System.String
d. System.Type
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a. Throws a compile error as the default constructor is not provided
b. Prints: Value received is: 7.8
c. Prints: Value received is: 3.14
d. Throws an error stating the variable “p” already contains a definition of p.
e. Throws an error stating an ambiguity of variable “p”.
Reveal Answer
a. System.Enum
b. System.ValueType
c. System.Int32
d. None of the above
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a. Polymorphism
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Method Overriding
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a. Gives an error on the code editor for not using “==”
b. Throws an exception for assigning a value in if.
c. Prints: This is the result!"
d. Gives a blank output
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